Commit to Sit
This 31-day meditation course will teach you how to build the inner resources, mental strength, and emotional resilience to show up fully in your life.
You don’t want to be saying “Wait, how did I end up with this life? How did I let the past one, five, or ten years slip away from me?”
You need to train your mind to see, think, and act differently.
Meditation is the tool you've been looking for to shift your perspective and open your heart to a richer and more fulfilling life.
It offers the gateway to change the course of your life so you can focus on what matters.
Just sit with your eyes closed and you can change the world around you!
Yet many people try it for a few days and then go back to their old ways — wondering “what’s the big deal?”
Don't give up just because you've fallen off course in the past.
Tried to meditate, but haven’t experienced what you thought you “should?”
Dabbled in meditation but never fully committed to learning how to do it on your own.
Heard meditation is useful, but have never managed to prioritize it into your day.
Used a meditation app but are tired of the one-size-fits-all approach.
Felt that you can't meditate or it just won't work for you.
To reap the benefits of meditation, you need an ongoing and sustainable practice. Otherwise, it’d become just another “phase” that you check off the list and roll your eyes.
Instead of a dogmatic approach, I’ll show you the many building blocks you need to create a practice that works for you.
Want to jumpstart your meditation practice.
Need daily structure and accountability to sustain your practice.
Desire to integrate focused attention, open monitoring, and heart-based meditations all in one practice.
Care deeply about showing up as your best self and doing good in the world.
Jeff Siegel
Why Meditate?
Welcome to The Course
Introduction & Overview
True, But Partial
Finding the Breath Introduction
Finding the Breath Practice
Finding the Breath Lesson
Bonus: Get Clear Why You Want To Meditate
Bonus: 'Do No Harm' - How To Practice Safely
Informed Consent
Breathing the Energetic Loop Introduction
Breathing the Energetic Loop Practice
Breathing the Energetic Loop Lesson
What's Your Commitment?
Choose Your Level of Commitment
Breathing Body Intelligence Introduction
Breathing Body Intelligence Practice
Breathing Body Intelligence Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Bonus: Bias & Intersectionality
Breathing Simple Beauty Introduction
Breathing Simple Beauty Practice
Breathing Simple Beauty Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Savoring the Breath Introduction
Savoring the Breath Practice
Savoring the Breath Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Breathing Heart Intelligence Introduction
Breathing Heart Intelligence Practice
Breathing Heart Intelligence Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Breathe and Expand Introduction
Breathe and Expand Practice
Breathe and Expand Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Week 1 Review
Check-in: Tell us how it's going
Ocean Breathing Introduction
Ocean Breathing Practice
Ocean Breathing Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Contact Introduction
Contact Practice
Contact Lesson
Reflect & Engage
ATTENTION: New Meditation Format
Coming Back Home Introduction
Coming Back Home Practice
Coming Back Home Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Train to Remain Introduction
Train to Remain Practice
Train to Remain Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Bonus: Watch-out for Spiritual Bypassing
Labeling Introduction
Labeling Practice
Labeling Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Subtleties of the Mind Introduction
Subtleties of the Mind Practice
Subtleties of the Mind Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Persistence Introduction
Persistence Practice
Persistence Lesson
Week 2 Review
Check-in: Tell us how it's going
Reflect & Engage
Slowing Down Introduction
Slowing Down Practice
Slowing Down Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Let It Be Introduction
Let It Be Practice
Let It Be Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Feel & Release Introduction
Feel & Release Practice
Feel & Release Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Overcoming Lethargy Introduction
Overcoming Lethargy Practice
Overcoming Lethargy Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Restlessness Introduction
Restlessness Practice
Restlessness Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Cultivate Curiosity Introduction
Cultivate Curiosity Practice
Cultivate Curiosity Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Embracing Change Introduction
Embracing Change Practice
Embracing Change Lesson
Week 3 Review
Check-in: Tell us how it's going
Reflect & Engage
Working with Doubt Introduction
Working with Doubt Practice
Working with Doubt Lesson
Reflect & Engage
ATTENTION: New Meditation Format
Gratitude & Kindness Introduction
Gratitude & Kindness Practice
Gratitude & Kindness Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Cultivating Joy Introduction
Cultivating Joy Practice
Cultivating Joy Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Growing the Good Introduction
Growing the Good Practice
Growing the Good Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Compassion Introduction
Compassion Practice
Compassion Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Self-Compassion Introduction
Self-Compassion Practice
Self-Compassion Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Truth & Acceptance Introduction
Truth & Acceptance Practice
Truth & Acceptance Lesson
Week 4 Review
Check-in: Tell us how it's going
Reflect & Engage
Choosing to Forgive Introduction
Choosing to Forgive Practice
Choosing to Forgive Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Align with Your Values Introduction
Align with Your Values Practice
Align with Your Values Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Action Introduction
Action Practice
Action Lesson
Reflect & Engage
Congrats! Here's what's next...
Honoring my teachers
More resources for you
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